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This photo is the end of the "Paradise Lost" series and represents the hybridity with nature that emerges as a mode of decolonization amongst the diaspora.

This photo was taken at UBC's rose garden at a high school graduation. Though the diaspora accepts and excels in Western education, this very success can often lead to disintegration of connections to traditions and of familial pasts. 

Thus, the outer flowers in the photo represent the oozing wildness of nature that is not held back by any colonial expectations and is symbolic of the wildness of the homeland. The hybridized individual accepts this wildness and integrates it into herself as a means of remembering her past to help move on into the future. 

The hybridized individual's future, while structured by colonial societal expectations, is able to be liberated through the integration of the liminal space. This liminal border protects the hybridized individual while also safeguarding memories and traumas of the past within.


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